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I Gotta say that I like the basic idea and the story (as far as I have played).

But I was looking for a VN here.. So just looking for a good story good visuals (pretty alright in this game) and some spicy moments since we are in that genre...

But I have no use for mini games Especially if they are this hard... I am playing on Android where the awkward controls make this game pretty much torcher for me...

The second mini-game took me already like 20 minutes.. but the one I am at now made me quit the game.. (the one where I gotta squish bugs) I spent 15 minutes and could barely get to 15 when I gotta score 30 here...

I get that one gets a few points subtracted when one messes up in such a mini-game but completely resetting the game just made me quit...

I hope future games of yours offer some way to either skip or disable the mini-games as I liked everything besides them.

Thanks for the review! I wanted to offer a different visual novel experience, hence the minigames. Although, looking back, I probably shouldve added a skip option, or at least an option to skip it after a certain number of attempts.

Either way, I'll make sure to remember this when making new games

Deleted 126 days ago

It will! I'll be adding demos to all upcoming games from now on

Even though the game is short the visuals and gameplay made it worth it.

Appreciate it, thanks!

Is this game ever going to get more game or not

(3 edits)

This is the final version

Anyway to skip the ball on food minigame?

There isnt a way to skip a minigame, are you talking about the runner one? You can hold space to continue jumping (the jumps are timed to that you continuously jump over spikes)

no the first one with fern

got passed that one, the one when you choose riley seems to always hit 20 and then auto fail. On android

Oh weird, thanks for letting me know. I'll check it out and see what's causing it

yeah i verified it, no matter what, as soon as 20 hits everything resets

Is there any chance of having subtitles in Brazilian Portuguese? I'm asking because I have a channel about adult games and there's a lack of chubby content.

Currently there is no plan to have additional language options, but I have considered it

Ok. If you could provide a game key I would appreciate it (channel email), I just can't guarantee an analysis on the channel, as I depend on an edition that meets YouTube's guidelines and they are very boring.

Is there an option to censor the nudity content?

Unfortunately there isn't

I'm struggling to download on mac and keep getting "The application “The Heft Effect” can’t be opened." when opening the file. Is there a way around this?

Here's a video that should solve the issue:

Hope this helps, cheers!