A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Android

Buy Now$9.99 USD or more

The Savoring Sword has been gifted to you by a mysterious woman! It feasts on the energy of everything it dominates!

Explore procedurally generated dungeons, fight monster girls, interact with your surroundings, collect items, and gain weight!


  • Three girls who gain weight.
  • Procedurally generated dungeons.
  • 30 monster girls.
  • Tons of traps and interactables.
  • A shop.
  • A minigame.
  • Over 10 Outfits.
  • Modifiers, enhancements, achievements, and more!


  • Windows
  • Mac
  • Android (APK)
  • Savoring Sword: Survival Guide (PDF)
  • Savoring Sword: The Comic (PDF)


  • Windows
  • Mac
  • Android (APK)


Files labeled with 'BetterPerformance' are versions with the image quality reduced by half so the game can run more smoothly.


Buy Now$9.99 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $9.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Savoring_Sword_Windows.zip 201 MB
Savoring_Sword_Windows_BetterPerformance.zip 175 MB
Savoring_Sword_Mac.zip 210 MB
Savoring_Sword_Mac_BetterPerformance.zip 184 MB
Savoring_Sword_Android.apk 163 MB
Savoring_Sword_Survival_Guide.pdf 153 MB
Savoring_Sword_The_Comic.pdf 24 MB

Download demo

Savoring_Sword_Demo_Windows.zip 204 MB
Savoring_Sword_Demo_Windows_BetterPerformance.zip 177 MB
Savoring_Sword_Demo_Mac.zip 213 MB
Savoring_Sword_Demo_Mac_BetterPerformance.zip 186 MB
Savoring_Sword_Demo_Android.apk 163 MB

Development log


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I was surprised when cow costume also changed PoV when you get bigger, instead of boobs + fat belly it is just pure boobs. Very cool.


Thanks :)

i can't figure out how to find solace could someone point me in the right direction please

(1 edit)

The leftmost button in Akanas Shop in the full version

thanks, i'll be real i thought it was the leave game option because of the wings and it being a door, LMAO

Oh youre so right πŸ˜…


I bought the game and guide on steam, but can't get the pdf open.

What happens when you try to open it? (Its a pretty big PDF file so it might take some time to open)

It says the file is not supported or damaged, I have tried opening it with multiple programs.

(1 edit)

Are you using Windows or Mac, and are you playing the Better Performance version? (I can try re-uploading the Survival Guide to see if that helps.) Alternatively, I can send you JPGs of the Guide if you have a Google Drive account. If you would rather do that, send me a private message on Weight Gaming with your email you use for Google and I can send them to you

(1 edit)

Yes, I am playing on windows and using the better performance program. I will sign up for weight gaming and sending you a message.

(1 edit)

That would be great thank you! If you click on my profile icon then click the message icon, you can send me a direct message

Can you complete the main story of game in the demo? Or I need to buy the full?

(1 edit)

The full version unlocks the ending, along with New Game+, a minigame, and other content.

If you are using the same computer, save files transfer over, so you can start off with the demo and go to the full version later.

How do you get the solace

Solace is in the full version. Buying the full version helps supports me so I can continue making games ☺️

Oh oh I have the demo  

The game stops when I turn sometimes * just if you were confused

(1 edit)

Does the game freeze when this happens, or completely crash? Also, are you playing on the normal version or the 'BetterPerformance' version? (The BetterPerformance version helps with crashes.)

Also, in the Settings, you can toggle Motion Blur and Particle Effects. (Dust) Let me know if that helps :)

So what's going to be next on Android

My next two projects, The Heft Effect and Voluptuous Fantasy, will get an Android port when they are finished

It's really good


damn i'm cheap asf but i'd def play the fuck outta this

Supporting helps me continue developing games! 🀍

update: i bought it, gl on development<3

Thank you so much! I hope you play the fuck outta it :)

update 2: played the fuck outta it, if there was dlc i'd play that a whole lot too!!!!! you're freakin awesome dude, have a good life :)

what if there was a costume that instead of making starla fat it made her muscles grow kinda like the cow costume

Okay, I'll keep that in mind! Thank you for the recommendation! I am currently working on the comic for this game, plus 2 other projects atm though

Hey i bought the game on steam but i also wamna play it on mobile

Do you have Weight Gaming? If so, send me a message on it and I can help you out.

No ill make an account

How do i message lmao

I think the best way would be to type in Savoring Sword on the search bar, and then click on the CupCupMug icon to go to my account to send me a message

Im sorry but there is no where to do that πŸ’€

(1 edit)

Would you be able to email me instead?

I like this game alot, it as a nice flow to it. I was thought that their was going to be a 11th level of gain to go with the shop keepers 20 levels of gain as it feel like there one more level that should be there for the main girl you play as.


I'm glad you're enjoying the game! 😊 I would've loved to make more levels for Starla, but it would've been difficult since there are a decent amount of Outfits. (Plus, if she did get any bigger, she wouldn't be able to fit in the dungeon anymore 😢)


Oh GREAT now I'm creeped out AND horny

(2 edits)

Well, I've just bought it off Steam. Will I have to pay extra in order to get the 'BetterPerformance' or will I have to get them via opening the console in Steam? My laptop keeps having issues trying to run it; it uses 8 GB Ram.

(3 edits)

Then again, I could just go and buy myself an additional 8 GB RAM stick..., but hmmm

(4 edits) (+1)

Sorry to hear about the issue, Steam makes it difficult to have multiple versions of the game. So, I ultimately had to choose the better quality one.

But send me a message on Weight Gaming and we can figure this out.

Of course.


Hey Hey Mr. Mug, I can teach you how to make a steam beta that can host the performance version of the game. it's actually rather simple for you and your player base.

(1 edit) (+2)

That would be incredibly helpful and kind of you! Steam is a bit confusing sometimes πŸ˜… it took me a while to figure out how to publish my first game on it lol.

We could talk through Discord or Weight Gaming?

PS: I love your game and am excited to see it release on Steam!


Discord works a little better for me hehe hit me up @ihopcanada

is the game done or is it still being made?

It's done. Im also developing an android version and short comic, they'll be released at a later date.

Savoring Sword's main goal is to be a replayable weight gaining dungeon crawler. Hence the Outfits, Modifiers, Wrappers, Gumballs, etc. and meant to be played in multiple sittings.

Why is Akane maxed out when I started out? Shouldn't I have to make her fat?

Actually, she started at 14?

Did you play V1 before? Your save transferred over if you did.

I played the demo if that's what you mean. is there anyway to restart? I've deleted the game and demo and redownloaded and its still there.

You will have to go into the settings (from the shop) and select 'reset data'.

It'll restart everything back to square one, like it's your first time playing it

(1 edit)

found a semi game breaking bug. if you go to new game plus with the modifier for no shop until level 5 switch on you cant do the first level and go to shop for the tutorial. I was able to fix it by editing the registry file for the doorhanger and then able to play again. Other wise its a real solid game.

(2 edits)

Oh thanks for letting me know! I'll make sure its fixed by the next update!

EDIT: I did fix this before, Im thinking you weren't allowed to 'return to shop' because in the tutorial (first time entering the dungeon) it wont let you return unless your sword is level 1.

oh my sword was maxed out for level 1. i thought that too so i found burger to make it 2/1 to check still couldn't return to shop

Oh that's really weird honestly, was there any other modifiers activated or anything else that was happening? (I can check if there was an interference between two things, but it'll be easier for me to pinpoint the problem if you have any more information) Thanks in advance!

And I didnt know about the burger glitch eitherπŸ˜… I will have to look into that too!

mods i had on were alien,checkerboard,headphones,banana,demon girl,soada,doorhanger and lube. at the time of it doing the bug.

I absolutely love this game, CupCupMug, it's really fun! I just had a quick question. How do you eat the cupcakes that you find? As far as I can tell, they only get picked up.


Thank you! πŸ™‚

Cupcakes are food that can be fed to Solace, like candy canes. (You can read about items discovered in the Notebook > Dungeon) The Shar Idol Modifier has a random chance to show up in the shop, and activating it will change cupcakes so Starla can eat them instead.

Ohh ok, thanks for the explanation! The reason I asked was because in the notebook it specifically states that the cupcakes can be eaten to increase sword energy so I was just a bit confused by that. πŸ˜…

Oh my bad! In the earlier versions of the game, they weren't food for Solace and Starla would eat them. I eventually changed that and added in the Shar Idol, I guess I forgot to also change their description πŸ™ƒ I'll make sure to switch that in the next update! Thanks for letting me know!

You're welcome! I'm glad to be of assistance. πŸ˜„

just wondering, where might the save file of the game be located? i want to transfer my save to my other computer

The save files are saved directly to the Unity registry, so I'm not sure if transferring save files is possible. I do it this way because it makes it possible for your save files from the demo to be used directly in the full version


Did the requirements of the game got higher or is the demo a bit less optimized?.

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Requirements did get higher, that's why I added a demo to check if you can run it first.

This is mostly because of the amount of additional content, along with the addition of post processing and particles.

I am currently looking into how to optimize it better

(2 edits)

I was able to pinpoint the issue, which was the size/quality of the images. I did add files called 'BetterPerformance' that should resolve this, but in return the quality of the visuals are reduced by half.